The original Blog ""
is not able to react, cause I blanked it complete, and
so I had to do a clon of my old Blog, I also created
in 2009, like the VU-Blog
""all in flac""
is merely a Blog for audio and video recordings of Velvet Underground
(ROIO) which have not been officially released. No audio or video
content is hosted here. I only provide meta information files for the
you're an artist (or a legal representative of an artist or its estate)
and you don't want your ROIOs shared on this Blog for free among your
fans, you may opt out any time by sending e-mail to me. I will then put
you in our list of not allowed artists, known as the NAB list. This will
halt all sharing of your ROIOs using this Blog within minutes. BTW,
the ROIOs exist, you can't make them vanish. So, why not let your fans
get them for free from one another instead of having to purchase them
from commercial bootleggers on auction sites?
If you download a concert
do notsell anywhere
Share it for free and always in flac or other lossless formate
Every concert contains art-work in PNG 360 lossless. Some are X-Large, others fits exactly in a jewel-case